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Outpost Contract Configuration

This configuration allows you to set the value of the Osmosis smart contracts you want to use in your platform implementation.

This configuration affects the logic of the platform.


This is the address to the Osmosis swaprouter smart contract you want your platform uses.

NOTE: The address in the following example is related to a contract instance on the Osmosis testnet chain.



This is the address to the Osmosis crosschain-swaps smart contract you want your platform uses.

NOTE: The address in the following example is related to a contract instance on the Osmosis testnet chain.


Useful Information

The following table resume the information for the Osmosis mainnet and testnet smart contracts at the time of writing.

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you are using the right smart contract versions! The following information could be not up to date, so do your own research to ensure you are on the right way.

ContractOsmosis Testnet (osmo-test-5)Osmosis Mainnet